Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Carolina University of Theology Student Body

This page will be where you as a member of the
of Carolina University of Theology
can share your thoughts and testimonies concerning your Christian educational experience with
Carolina University of Theology.

Email any thing you would like added to this page to: cut@cutofnova.org

We look forward to hearing from you!!!

Would you take a few minutes and complete this survey:
(To submit your answers, cut and paste the survey into a MSWord document and then email to cut@cutofnova.org)

Carolina University of Theology “To Better Serve & Equip You” Survey

Student Name ___________________ StudentID ______________________________


Please answer the following questions

1) If the University offered a Saturday class at 3:00 p.m. instead of 9:00 a.m., would you attend?

a. Yes

b. No

2) Would you be open to taking an online class as well as an on campus class at the same time?

a. Yes

b. No

3) If the University was to offered elective courses, what courses would you like to see offered.


