Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Monday, November 19, 2012

Extra Credit - Did someone say . . .EXTRA CREDIT?

Answer the appropriate questions for the class you are enrolled in and upload via engrade for extra credit:

  • The Christian Church Epistles are grouped as three. In this first group we have, "doctrine" in ______________________; "reproof" of wrong practice in ____________________; "correction" of wrong doctrine in _______________________.
  • What was the Galatian error?
  • What’s the difference between reproof and correction?  
  • What is the Scripture order of these "Church" epistles?
  • List four of the seven forms of the substance abuser’s denial system.
  • In I & II Timothy the emphasis is on doctrine:  in Titus the emphasis is on _______________ _______________.

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