Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Extra Credit Work for Church Administration Part 2

As you continue your studies in MM 502 - Church Administration and continue to understand even the more the importance of the ministry of Adminsitraton, think back to Part 1 where we learned that one of the most compelling examples of leadership in the Old Testament is Nehemiah. In Nehemiah there are a number of important qualities of leadership vision.

The book of Nehemiah involves the story of the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem following the raids of the Babylonian Empire.  In Nehemiah we see an incredible ability of a leader not only to lead but to plan, strategize and (very importantly) execute major projects. There are many sides to leadership and management that we can learn from Nehemiah but there is one that stands out. VISION. Nehemiah is a study of the progression of a vision and what is involved for that vision to be executed and to come to pass.

What are the four qualities that were discussed in Part 1 of this course of Nehemiah's vision leadership ability? Submit your answers via ENGRADE to your instructor by March 24, 2011 and you will  earn extra credit .
Blessings to you!!! 

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