Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is on the horizion!

Well, can you believe this academic year is coming to a close and our summer break begins next week!!!

I know many of you - including our faculty are looking forward to the time off to spend with family, friends and to just take a little break.

This has been an unusual year for the Northern Virginia campus due to the extreme winter weather we experienced which extended our academic year and caused us to lose our Spring Break but our faculty and students were patient and persistent and completed all courses of study.

We were also blessed to have two members of the University staff , one of our NOVA campus students and two of our alumni to be a part of a 21 member group to Israel to be a part of a Study Pilgramage with our University president, Dr. Peyton and co host, Minister Victoria Hearst of Praise Him Ministires.  We will be sharing some pictures from our time there. It was a blessing and we pray many of you will be with us next year for our 2011 Study Pilgramage to Israel.

Enjoy your summer break. If you are in the Distance Learning program, take advantage if you like of the time off as well. See you in August!!!

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