Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Monday, January 24, 2011

MM-MMIT 101-Ministerial Training

This new class being offered at Carolina University of Theology as a graduation requirement is designed specifically for those who sense a definite call into the full-time ministry (Matt. 20:16) of Jesus Christ. The Ministers in Training Course is designed for future ministers as well as current ministers in need of greater training.

In ministry, many times there is more that is  "caught as well as taught" (II Tim. 3:10). This class is designed specifically with this in mind. "Hands on" ministry experience is a necessity in every man and woman who believes he or she has a calling upon his or her life.

MM MIT will facilitate the student towards an even greater level of ministerial experience so the student can become intimately acquainted with the "in-workings" of ministry. The student will receive hands on ministerial training and encouragement in fulfilling that calling.

The student will be offered powerful and practical ministerial tools and instructions in how to train and develop leaders (Tit. 1:9, II Tim. 2:2).

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter - Spring 2011 In Session!!!

We hope everyone truly enjoyed the Christmas Break and spent time with family, friends and loved ones!!
Well class is back in session and we are excited about our returning students as well as our newly enrolled students.

We are determined even the more to be used by the Lord to equip men and women like you for the call of G-d upon your life!!!

We are also excited about our new partnerships with Tuition Options and Engrade to better serve you in your Christian education with Carolina University of Theology.

There are more exciting things in store for you and the University.

Remember, we are here to serve you!!!