Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Study Pilgramage To Israel

Shalom! Shalom! We pray you are still enjoying your course of studies! Know that your labor is not in vain. Also know that we are praying for you as you continue this portion of your Christian Education.

In our recent newsletter, we shared about an upcoming Study Pilgramage that is being hosted by our University President, Pastor John Peyton of Reconciliation Community Church. Many of you have contacted the University for additional information.. Please contact Deborah Woolen, Pastor Peyton's Administrative Assistant at (703) 791-3499, ext. 204 for trip information.

We are still working on granting you continued education credits for graduates of Carolina University of Theology as well as current students.

Please contact the University Dean directly for information on tuition discounts available for currently enrolled students at Carolina University of Theology who will be a part of this 2010 Study Pilgramage at (703) 791-3499, ext. 211.

Blessings to you and we pray you will be able to be a part of this life changing experience that will open the Bible up to you even the more.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It "Pays" To Check Out Carolina University of Theology News!!!

Congratulations to Minister Frank Marfo and Don Byrd on responding to the 20 point extra credit question for BA 103!! Keep up the good work!!! (Tuesday Jan. 12th was the last day to submit your answers.)

For your notes for BA 103:
In Chapter 1 of the Book of Job we see Job's Piety and Job's Problem.
In Chapter 2 we see satan's Persistence and Job's Paitence.
In Chapter 3 we see Job's Pondering.
In Chapter 1 we see "attack". In Chapter 2, we see Affliction. In Chapter 3, we see Anquish.
     There are two possible meanings for the name of Job. One comes from an Arabic root and means "one who turns back (repents). Another derives from a Hebrew root and means "the hated (persecuted one)". How do both of these meanings prefigure the experiences of Job in the book that bears his name. Your answer is worth another 10 points!! Email your answers by January 19, 2010.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


We hope and pray that each of you who are enrolled in the onsite campus sessions enjoyed your Christmas break!! This past Tuesday was our first class together since the Holiday Break. We hope and pray that you will enjoy your studies of BA 102 - Old Testament History and BA 103 - Experiential Books.

Here's a question for you that can earn you 20 points of extra credit towards your upcoming quiz. Answer this question, "Why are the books that are discussed in BA 103 classified as "experiential"? Email your answer to cutdean@aol.com

Bless you and see you Saturday!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year should be more than just a casual greeting or salutation for the disciple of Jesus Christ. It really should be a declaration. In "The Beatitudes", Jesus opens His mouth and taught the multitudes and His disciples a series of of "Blessed are the . . ."  A study of the word "Blessed" here in Matthew 5:1-11, would let us know that this word is translated "Happy". So when we say Happy New Year to a fellow believer in Christ or even to a neighbor or to someone in a store, we are actually making a declaration to them that this New Year - a year we have not seen before shall be a Blessed Year. It's a declaration!

You know we have been given that authority and privledge through our relationship with the Lord to speak such things in advance by faith. Let's make a declaration, Carolina University students and alumni that this year will indeed be a Blessed and Happy New Year for the University and for your individual lives and the lives of your loved ones.

And again, Happy New Year!!!