Equipping Men and Women For The Call of God

Equpping Men and Women For The Call of God

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Winter-Spring Session Registration!!!

 Carolina University of Theology's
Winter-Spring Session Is Fast Approaching!!!
We will be offering classes On Campus and Online
Registration November 13 - December 14, 2012
Classes start January 8 and 12, 2013
Classes to be offered:
First Year
BA101-The Pentateuch (online)
BA 102-Old Testament History (on campus/online)
Second Year
BA 201-Major Prophets (online)
BA 202-Minor Prophets (online)
Third Year
BA301-New Testament History (online)
BA 304-Hebrew Christian Epistles (online)
Fourth Year
BA 204-Sunday School Practicum (on campus)
BA 403 Introduction to Doctrines of Christian Religion (on campus)
TH 504-Kingdom of the Cults (online)
Call about our Master of Christian Counseling Psychology,
Christian Education, Ministry and Theology online classes as well.
We also have an Auditing Program and Certificate of Completion Program.
Let us serve you in your Christian Education and equipping you for the call of God.
(Class schedule subject to change)
Contact us at cut@cutofnova.org or call (703) 791-3499, ext. 211, 215, 218
for enrollment package and registration information..
Mention thisannouncement and get a special Student Discount (for new enrolling students only)

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